- Who was the first martyr in the New Testament? What is his name?
- What age was Abraham when Isaac was born?
- Jesus surnamed them as ‘Sons of thunder’, who are they?
- What tribe does the Bible record as having understanding of times and as a result had their brethren at their command?
- “Nevertheless, the foundation of God standish sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his…………… “Where can this be found in scriptures.
- Mention two books of the Bible named after women.
- What is the name of the apostle who shook a snake off his hands into the fire, and where?
- These two women left a legacy of godliness to their son who became a man of God, with a book of the Bible named after him. Mention their names.
- Who does the Bible record of as the father of all such as handle the harp and the organ?
- Where is the Grace written in full in the Bible?